Friday, August 7, 2009

i'm here!

I’m here! Wow. I don’t even know where to start! So flying in was AMAZING. I was soo excited, I got out my camera and next thing I know we landed and I didn’t take one picture haha I was so in awe that I forgot. It is so beautiful. Also the island is much bigger than I imagined. I still can’t believe that I’m here and am going to be here for ten months, that sounds so crazy to me. I’m trying not to think of it like that because I’m not sure if that excites me or scares me right now. Our apartment is…well…not quite what I expected, but we are doing the best with what we have! We just went on a total cleaning spree today scrubbing the kitchen and floors etc. it still looks kind of dirty but at least we know the truth! oh, and I must mention that we have some interesting/terrifying neighbors. Amy and I were introduced to the pigs that live right outside our window and behind our apartment upon our arrival. I honestly thought there were baby dinosaurs being tortured outside our room. I was completely unaware that anything in the world could make such a horrifying and loud sound. So THAT will be fun. Oh, also we have discovered a few roommates as well. Apparently the lizards here are on steroids and love our kitchen.


            Yesterday we were taken to the “grocery store” to get supplies and food. When I walked in I almost cried. Lol I was like there is NO way I can live off of this for a year! It was very small and had limited and very expensive food. For those of you who know me, you will know how important food is to me haha and luckily we took a trip to the store once again today. I almost broke out into song when we walked into this grocery store! I was like thank you Jesus!! It was literally eight times as big and even had soymilk! I was sooo excited! I will be more than fine J they even had Oreos, however they were seven dollars haha the food is really expensive here its crazy. I seriously think I’ll be living off of spaghetti, rice, and apples.


So apparently humidity and Courtney to do not mix well. I am pretty sure that I will take eight showers a day. Oh my word. Its crazy! I really hope I get used to it. And worst of all my feet, ankles, and fingers have swollen up like balloons! I’m pretty sure that I know what it’s like being pregnant! Haha my feet are the worst. It sucks because they are so achy! I hope this is an adjusting thing and I get used to it because it kind of hurts! Lets see…oh, and also our apartment flooded last night haha luckily it wasn’t Amy and I’s room. There is something wrong with our pipes or water or something, because like our shower will just randomly turn on, and then the kitchen sink will suddenly be on full blast etc. I think the maintenance guy is going to look at it and try to fix it soon though! We have our fingers crossed..Also the smell of our apartment and just pretty much everywhere is going to take some getting used to. I think its because its so wet it is almost like everything is mildewed. Oh well! There definitely many things to get used to!


In general I guess I am kind of in a daze. This place is quite different than what I was expecting, but then at the same time I don’t really know what I was expecting. To be perfectly honest the living here is much more primitive than I anticipated, and also English isn’t as predominant as I thought it would be. People speak in more of broken English and in very thick accents so it’s hard to understand. We were told that our students will have English as their second or third language and I for some reason didn’t realize that. Currently the school is going through some transitioning and we don’t exactly have a principal. It’s a little confusing as to where we’re supposed to be etc and like the SM’s haven’t even all officially met or had a chance to do ice breakers or anything. That is the thing that has bothered me the most, because even if we’re all confused as long as we stick together and are a close group I think it will all be fine. So for anyone who is reading this, if you could keep that in your prayers that would be wonderful.


Oh, I think I forgot to mention this, so um…when it rains here…it RAINS! Oh. My. Goodness. I didn’t even bring an umbrella lol I don’t know WHAT I was thinking! I can’t wait to go to the beach or water or something. I guess the water is ten or fifteen minutes away? I hope we still get to go a lot cuz I was hoping to go like every day (of course) oh, and I’d love to go explore I seriously just want to hike through the jungle. We’ve only been at the school and church. And I haven’t gotten a chance to catch up on sleep yet either, we’ve been so busy moving in and cleaning etc. I’m so exhausted! Speaking of which, I’m going to try to get a nap in before we have vespers, but just so everyone knows I’m here safe! Thanks for all your prayers, this is definitely an interesting transition and I’m not exactly sure how I feel about everything yet. But I know God has amazing things planned for me this year, and regardless of how I feel, this is where I am supposed to be at this time in my life, and that God has guided me here. It will just take some time to discover exactly why that is. Thanks for everyone’s support! J

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