Today I went into town for the first time. My eyes were glued outside our window as I frantically tried to take in everything around me when suddenly "SWOOSH!" my heart just about stopped as our taxi zipped in between 2 cars as our driver maneuvered our car through the middle of the road. Let me stop for a moment. That's right, the middle of the road. As soon as my heart rate returns to a normal tempo my eyes go back to the ever difficult task of trying to take in all the sights around me. The culture, the people, the trees, mountains, buildings, um is that a goat on a leash? When suddenly my thought process is abruptly interrupted once again, "Bleeeeep!" as a piki piki (motorcycle) cuts in front of us with three people on it, none of which are wearing helmets (Harold would have had a heart attack right then and there, if he hadn't already when he discovered the people don't refridgerate their milk, eggs, or butter here).
As we moved closer and closer into Arusha, my mind felt more and more overwhelmed while the smile inside me grew bigger and bigger. I wish I could somehow put into words the textures, colors, smells, people, buildings, feelings, and sights I experienced through my little car window, but the truth is I can't. It was simply too much for me to take in all at once, too much for my mind to process. All I can say is that I have never been anywhere like this before and...I love it. :) Maybe next time we go in for groceries I won't be so frozen in time and space and I will be able to come to my senses long enough to take some pictures. Until then...let your imagination wonder...we don't use it enough. :)
One of my favourite feelings! Being unable to put it all into words makes it that much more amazing and special. Loving reading your updates!