So I have actually started to have brief moments where I find myself enjoying teaching.. I had to stay in my classroom until almost five today though and have about two more hours of classroom work to do. This job is quite demanding sometimes. Haha but I can’t complain because I’m finally getting to go to Ant island this weekend. I CAN’T wait! It is supposed to be the most amazing place around here. It’s an island with no electricity, bathrooms, shelter, ANYTHING. And we don’t have school Friday so this whole weekend we’ll be roughing it J I can’t wait! I’m sure I’ll have many exciting things to blog about once I return!
Ok, random clip from my class today. Haha just thought I’d give your imagination a little picture of what I deal with everyday. J I looked over at one of my chubby little twins named julien and he had tennis balls (or maybe it was just wadded up pieces of paper, who KNOWS) under his shirt like muscles and was flexing. How could I NOT laugh? But they were SUPPOSED to be doing science, so I asked him to stop flexing and put his muscles away. About five minutes later he walks up to my desk with his once muscles conveniently placed on his chest, in order make two quite large breasts. I was like. What??? Lol, I’m pretty sure that his muscles/boobs then transformed into basketballs as he turned into Kobe Bryant, throwing wads of (I still don’t exactly know what) around my classroom in a very sorry attempt to make a basket in our classroom’s (always overflowing and disgusting) trashcan.
As far as exercising goes, I’ve finally figured it out J well getting there. Last week I dragged someone with me every day but one to go running or walking at the track. Then I figured out that a towel makes a perfectly good yoga matt for our dirty floor in our apartment. Haha last we had exercise class with Courtney. Five of us girls spread out in our apartment and I made the girls to “killers” where you do jumping jacks for a minute, then quick feet for a minute, then back to jumping jacks etc for ten minutes. Then I led out in a yoga class J haha from the limited amount of yoga I know from going at walla walla (thanks Lisa). So I’m thinking I might start like a workout class a few times a week for all the girls, or whoever wants to join. Maybe even some of the locals J I’ll keep you posted. I’m thinking I’m going to need a few yoga movies to learn stuff so I can teach everyone haha.
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