And Thanksgiving is OVER! Oh my. Oh my! I don’t know what Joy and I were thinking with the entire thanksgiving feast day, it was soo much work!! But our kids absolutely loved it, so it was worth it. :) haha they were fascinated by cranberry sauce. They kept saying, “Miss? Miss? Is this cranberry?” haha it was really cute. Oh, and the Indian and and pilgrim thing went great! The kids looked so adorable sitting with their little Indian and pilgrim hats around a table eating together! To start the day the pilgrims traveled to “America” (our classroom) and Squanto was the only one who could talk to them (duh! Everyone else could obviously only speak in Indian gibberish). Then we played thanksgiving games, such as Indian Indian pilgrim (instead of duck, duck goose), I read them an indian legend, my class performed their indian rain dance, we had a pilgrim and indian skit, my indians showed everyone their indian names and explained what it meant in English (they drew their names and decorated them on colored paper), then the pilgrims sang a thankful song and the feast began! Joy and I put the desks in my room together to make two long big tables, we decorated them with table settings the pilgrims made, got out all of our cookings and were finally ready! It was literally like a week worth of work in one day haha but worth it..
Now it’s Christmas time! We started decorating my classroom today! I’ll definitely be taking pictures soon! :) I have been CRAZY busy this last week and a half there is SO much I want to blog about from running a 5 k, to directing a christmas play, to having a spa day with my kids lol hopefully I will be able to soon! But as for now I must go, there is always something that needs to be done! Miss all my family and friends. Xoxo.Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A thought on the death of a fellow missionary..
I have began this blog about six times, and some how my fingers have found the back space bar each time. I honestly do not know where to begin. The array of emotions myself and so many others have experienced throughout this past week is remarkable…
Satan is working SO hard right now, I know however, that my God is working harder. The murder of Kirsten Wolcott has been something extremely hard to grasp, accept, and understand. I am assuming that most of you have heard the horrific news, but if not I regret to inform you of the incident.. A fellow student missionary, from Southern Adventist University, who was teaching on the island of Yap (an island that is also part of the FSM just like Pohnpei) was murdered last week. I have heard varying details, but what I do know for sure is that they found her body, and it is unbelievably terrible. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think this sunk in nearly as much as it should have at first. I think I was in shock, so life continued on in a normal fashion for a couple days.
Then yesterday it hit me. I was entirely upset. This girl had been living a life ridiculously similar to mine these last three months. Dealing with the same struggles I faced as a new teacher, going to the island grocery store for the first time, receiving her first package from home, going running, experiencing exotic island fruits for the first time, falling in love with her students, having her fist wave of homesickness, discovering God in a new way, facing some bug or insect invasion, being overwhelmed with lesson plans, having her breath taken away from the beauty that surrounds us at these islands, and so much more. And to have her life taken in such a horrific way?
Earlier that day my kids made cards for the Wolcott family. It was absolutely adorable and heart warming. I had to fight tears from coming to my eyes in class. These fourth graders who had never met “Miss Wolcott” or any one of her family members were writing things like, “Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott, we love your family so so much and will be praying for you every day.” or one girl who just lost a sister a few weeks ago said, “I hope Miss Wolcott is with my sister in heaven, we love you.” I told my kids that I would write some comforting bible texts on the board, and if they wanted to they could add one to their card. There was one verse however that I could not bring myself to write up on my dusty chalkboard. Hebrews 13:5 “Never will I leave you, Never will I forsake you.” How could I send that text to the parents of a missionary child who was just murdered? Where was God for Kirsten huh? It was simply appalling to me.
I decided to take my frustrations out on the track, questioning God with each stride. I just couldn’t grasp my mind around it. I felt like yelling, “GOD! SHE GAVE HER LIFE COMPLETELY TO YOU FOR A YEAR! WHERE WERE YOU?!?!” I replayed Hebrews 13:5 over in my mind again and again, and then it occurred to me. He was there the ENTIRE time. He was there while everything was happening, however appalling, terrible and horrific it was. He did not leave Kirsten, He did not forsake her, because He promised her that He would not. And God cannot lie because it would be a complete contradiction of Himself, of His word. For He is truth, His word is truth, and He is His word (John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” ).
Just as my mind will never fully grasp the greatness of God until I stand before Him with a song in my heart and on my lips, my human mind cannot even come close to grasping the horrors of sin in this world. Until the time when I can understand both, I chose to follow the Truth. I chose to follow a Promise.
Yes, It is easy to be angry. Anger does not require faith. Anger does not require trust. Anger does not require love. But Hope does. This is what I pray we can all chose in this time. Jesus come soon, and until you do, guard our hearts and minds with Your peace, a peace that transcends all understanding.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Kisses, Karaoke, and Strange Green Substances..
On a completely unrelated note, Asians LOVE karaoke. I’ve always known this, but not at all to this extent. Haha! A couple nights ago a group of us went to this resteraunt called coco marina that is right on the water and pretty much just a hut. There aren’t walls or anything. If that isn’t awesome enough, they had live karaoke going. Lets just say that I ROCKED some mamma mia soundtrack with the help of three back up dancers! :) I also made Andrew (another sm here) sing grease with me, and desperately missed my brother (no one rocks grease like the crook children, we’re pretty much an unstoppable team). The best part of the night however was when MJ (in previous blogs I have referred to her as Joy my favorite Filipino but since there are two Joys I’ve decided to call her MJ so no one gets confused!) started BELTING out “I will Survive” by Aretha Franklin. Oh. my word. Those Filipinos do NOT mess around when it comes to karaoke. I was laughing uncontrollably in between my soul filled back up singing and disco dance moves. It was great. :)
I absolutely love MJ and her family. I’ve been spending a lot of time with them lately and have enjoyed it so much. It’s really nice. I feel like I have some family here. Some days I just want family time, so I go hang out with them and play with Hailey, MJ’s adorable little girl. :) Well I’m going to go fry up some delicious eggplant I just bought. I have actually been cooking here. And the crazy thing is…I can actually kind of cook! I’m surprised with myself, and a little proud I’m not going to lie haha. Oh! and I received some fall decorations and leaves in the mail and was SOO excited! Hurray for seasons! Thank you for all your prayers and packages and love. :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
kissing booths and pumpkin pancakes..
It has officially been WAY too long since I have blogged. I am getting so used to living here! Some of the things that happen I don’t even think about blogging about now cuz they are normal to me haha. Well for one thing the school fair is tomorrow! My class is doing the kissing booth. We just set it up and it is soo cute! I’ll have to take pictures :) you pay fifty cents and one of my kids goes and gives someone a kiss for you, and then they can pay fifty cents if they want to find out who kissed them. They are all really excited about it! also the Christmas pagent is coming up and my friend joy and I volunteered to be in charge of it. We ended up deciding to write it from scratch. Lol I don’t know exactly WHAT we were thinking. But it is coming a long! I have been needing a creative outlet, and this is the perfect thing! Slightly stressful, um YES. But fun as well. We’re making it a news report, and it is going to be hilarious I’m not going to lie! Hopefully we can finish writing it this week so we can start having auditions (this is for pre-school through 12 grade by the way. Ya. I know. I’m crazy.) THEN we have to start practices and get the set going and costumes and everything. Which I won’t be working on cuz I’ll be holding the practices and directing and what not. But I still have to organize. Anyway, so we’ll see how that goes! I’ll have to find a way to record it so I can show everyone at home :)
The last few weeks I’ve had a lot of fun with my kids. We made spiders for Haloween and pumpkins, and haloween night SO many tricker treaters came to our apartment! We were raiding our pantry for ANYTHING to give them. Lol all of our candy from home was handed out, granola bars, fruit snacks, haha but it was worth it. A few weeks ago I showed up to class and my kids kept saying that I looked like a rock star. I was like What are you talking about?! Lol and they explained that it was because I had my hair down (I have it up in an ugly teacher bun like every day so this they were not used to apparently..) and because I was wearing make up (which I was not, but apparently there was the slightest trace of eyeliner from like vespers two days earlier which they detected). I found this pretty funny and so for Halloween I put my hair down and put on eyeliner and was a rockstar! :)
Besides that I am just getting closer and closer to my kids. They make me feel so loved. The other day almost my whole class made me a picture that said they loved me and all signed it. then they taped it up on the chalk board. I couldn’t help but smile the rest of the day. I also have a few boys that are what I guess you would call “trouble” boys that adore me, and I in return absolutely adore them. The sm before me wrote a letter of advice about my students and mentioned one student in particular as being very difficult and frustrating. Last week this boy drew me three happy halloween pictures repeatedly said, “Miss we love you soo much.” Or “Thank you for being our teacher” or “you are the best teacher ever, we love you soo much” . These boys melt my heart. I don’t know how I’m going to leave them. I don’t want any one to ever hurt them, I feel so protective of them. If anything ever happened to any of them I would just want to hold them until everything was ok.
I feel like God is teaching me how to love this year, and also how to be loved. I can definitely say that I am growing, and I can also say that it hasn’t been easy. But as I have needed God in different ways, He has had the opportunity to reveal himself to me in ways I had never seen Him before. THAT has been amazing.
Speaking of amazing, my dad and gramma sent me pumpkin pancake mix and that as been quite amazing as well lol. (Miss you guys!!) My roommates and I have definitely enjoyed that! :)