So it has officially been way too long since I’ve blogged. And I apologize. There have been quite a few um…lets say interesting events, I can fill you in on. J haha lets see here, oh about three weekends ago we went to sda church that is on the other side of the island (its like a half an hour drive). They invited all of the sm’s for vespers. When we got there we sang songs, played a game, and THEN they announced that we were having a sing off! Lol I was like what?? So they divided the pews into two groups and explained to us that each group had to have one solo. One duet, one trio song, and a quartet song. And we had five minutes to prepare this. Haha so me and one of the other sm’s brice decided that we were all over the duet. We grabbed a hymnal and picked out “Tis so sweet” after five minutes we had our own little gospel version to perform haha it was really fun J when we sang it the kids at the church went Crazy, it was so fun J they had like a judge panel and everything, and needless to say we dominated the other groups duet ;) haha so that was really fun! It’s nice having a few guy sm’s here that can sing and are willing to! Ok, so now to the more interesting stories..
I woke up wed not feeling up to the tasks of teaching an entire class of fourth graders all day long. Regardless I got up and went to class. Second period I was up front teaching a long when I hear all of my kids start to yell “Miss! Ayaka Vomited! Ayaka Vomited!” I turn around to see one of my girls bent over her chair with vomit everywhere. She had puked ALL over. Like we’re talking ALL over the floor, on her backpack, on herself, in her hair, dripping from her hands (…ok I think you get the picture J) In this moment I was like, oh dear. I have to act like this isn’t gross. Oh my word. Haha so I was like, “ok everyone sit down please” and all the kids are yelling out what they think she ate for breakfast. I walk over trying to mask the terror and disgust on my face and place my hand on Ayaka’s back asking if she felt better. She decided to take this opportunity to randomly wip her hair back onto her oh so loving teacher, splattering her upchucked breakfast all over me. I ended up taking her outside and washing off her backpack, her, me, etc. and then sent her to the office. I went to the office to get some cleaning supplies and I was reassured that someone would come clean it up for me. I was like great! So I took my class out to the field and improv a new outdoor spelling game of red light green light with spelling words haha. Half an hour later when it was almost time to go back in the classroom I looked inside and saw that indeed no one had cleaned it up. It had just been sitting there..I guess the person they asked to clean it up replied saying, “if it was my vomit I’d clean it up, but not someone elses.” Haha so Cindy (our awesome secretary) and I charged the crime scene, destroying all evidence of the mornings events with a good amount of bleach! I’m not going to lie, I think I was in a slight state of shock haha I was like I can’t BELIEVE this just happened. Especially because I am quite the germ freak for those of you that know me. J anyway, so it was definitely a um…growing experience I guess one might say. Ok on to interesting story number two! Which unfortunately might be more interesting than this one..
Ok before I begin this story I first need to explain the set up of our apartment. Our windows do not have glass or any covering like that. It is too hott and we do not have air conditioning. So we have this criss cross like black wire with a screen behind it so air can come in. also our bedroom has two big windows in it right next to each other, and my bed is up against them. Like we are talking RIGHT up against them. Just for a visual, if I am laying in bed the screen would be like one inch from my face. Ok, moving on. Behind our apartment (the windows face the back) there is apparantly a ledge (we are on the second story). We did not know about this ledge until about a week and a half ago when one of the girls in the apartment right next to us had an interesting experience. She woke up at six in the morning to see a man just standing watching her sleep. So she screamed at him to go away and he just stood there. Then she got out of bed and ran out to get her roommates, by then he had left. All right, so now you know the background. Well after hearing this, Amy was like Courtney we should move your bed. And I was like eh, its fine lets just put these little cloth curtains up so no one can see in. possibly not my greatest idea ever and I’ll tell you why. But before I do! I have a quick side story about the ledge. So I was deep in slumber one night when I was suddenly awaked by two cats fighting (SO loud) an inch away from my face on this ledge. Lets just say it was one of those moments you would do anything to have on camera. I literally jumped like a foot in the air flailing and flew off my bed onto the floor knocking over our fan onto the ground with a huge thud. It was really funny but scared amy and I half to death lol oh man.. ok so back to the story at hand..So last night I was EXHAUSTED and about to climb into bed. You see I woke up Friday with a terrible sore throat and could only teach my class until noon. Oh no I’m getting side tracked again haha. Ok funny quick side story!
So here I wake up with a sore throat and its terrible. Basically I can not talk. But I didn’t really feel sick besides that so I was like meh I’ll just teach today. And my kids were actually really sweet about it. I had to have one of them read for me outloud haha and I would just like write everything on the board. Then I started to feel worse right before lunch, like exhausted, achey, hot flashes and whatever, so I put my head on my desk will my kids were finishing working on an assignment. Then all of a sudden I hear all my kids going “SHHHH! SHHHH!!! Be Quiet! Miss is sleeping! Miss is sleeping!” haha it was so cute. I was like, so THAT’S what I have to do to get them quiet! J
Ok I’m back, SO its Friday night and I am not feeling well. My roommates are in our kitchen and familyroom talking or whatever and I am walking around our room getting ready for bed like half awake. I strip to my underwear and my sportsbra (yes necessary information for the story) turn off all the lights, and the walk over and climb onto my bed. As I’m climbing into my bed I realize that our curtain is like open a little bit in the middle, so I’m like huh the wind or our fan must have blown it, so I reach to fix our curtain when I suddenly realize that less than an inch from my face and hand is NOT what it is supposed to be on the other side of our window. I was like oh my gosh. There is a man standing by my bed staring at me. So I quietly just turned around and stepped into our family room saying “um girls, I may be over reacting, but um…I’m pretty sure there is a man standing outside our window.” I thought maybe I was crazy, cuz it was really dark, and I wasn’t feeling well. I don’t’ know. So we walk into our room and we are all talking outloud like saying “is there really someone there? I don’t know, but why would they just be standing there while we were talking about him? Maybe its something else..” because you see now our curtains had closed so we could only see outside of them when our fan or the wind blew them open a little bit. Then the curtain moves and my roommate joy who had taken a step forward goes, “oh my gosh it’s a man. She grabs her toothbrush (who knows why lol) and yells, GO AWAY! NOW! GO AWAY!” I take this opportunity to take cover behind the door to our little cubard of a closet because I realize that I am half naked, trying to put clothes on. We turn off the light in our room, so he can’t see us as easily. Then we are like, no it can’t be because whatever it is, is STILL there and hasn’t made ONE sound. Like at all. So then Amy took a step forward to look and she confirmed it for the last time. She raced to take cover with me and said “it’s a man. Oh my gosh he’s just standing there, I saw his hands the were moving. It’s a freakin man.” (I’d like you to keep in mind that this creepo can hear EVERYTHING we’re saying” so then Amy grabs this little stuffed animal that she has and chucks it at the window and this guy is STILL standing there! So we all leave the room and I grab our broom and am like, this is ending now. This creepo is not doing this. So I turned on our porch lights and went out of our apartment with my broom stick yelling “You creepo! Freakin leave! I have a broom stick!” lol and then I yell really loud so he can here to the girls in the apartment next to us, “I just thought you guys might like to know that there is a creepo staring at us through our window who won’t leave!” then Charlotte (one of the girls from the other apartment) ran outside yelling “yes! I wanna mace him! I wanna mace him!” So she runs out with her spray haha. Then Jon, (Kat, the sm coordinator’s husband) came outside because he heard us yelling and came up the stairs to the apartment. We explained the story (I’m still yelling loudly so this jerk can hear me) and Jon climbed behind our apartment, just in time to see the guy running away. Talk about a way to get your adrenaline going! Who needs medicine when you’re feeling exhausted and sick? All you need is some creepy stalker that watches you sleep! J anyway, I guess this is pretty normal here. like these men know that the sm girls live in these apartments and a lot of times especially when they’re drunk they’ll come and try to watch them. We were like, this is NORMAL?? Jon told us that sometimes girls have looked up while they were showering and there would be someone just watching them from a little window in the bathroom. We also have a little window in our bathroom, needless to say, we are covering that up FAST. Lol and Jon told us that he doesn’t think the people here know what mace or pepper spray are and that perhaps this would be a good time for them to be introduced. I’m SO on it. I’m already sending a package request to daddy to send me some J haha so ya. That’s interesting story number two. It was pretty exhilarating. I was ready to bust out some serious moves with my broom stick. Haha who needs pepper spray. I just want a medal bat! J no but seriously, since we’ve told the boys, everyone wants to make a trap haha. Anyone that climbs up to ledge by our window is from this tree. So I think they’re going to saw it like almost all the way trough but not, so whoever tries to climb it will just fall. And then also, we’re talking about putting like sharp pieces of glass or something on the ledge so if anyone tries to grab it to pull themselves up it will just cut them. Haha and amy wants to put salt there too to make the cuts sting. Oh man…I’ll have to keep everyone updated on that idea.