As of right now I am writing by candle light. The power has been out all day, but Gabriel (he is literally our guardian angel) has come over and made a kubwa moto (big fire) that lights up our kidogo numbani (little home) and is currently warming my heart. today Ksusha and I took Happy for a walk. Africa is simply beautiful. There are children everywhere and I wanted to stop to play with them all. When we got back we heard Mama Numesmo and Gabriel calling us from the chicken coop. We have so many baby chickens! Ksusha and I made Gabriel run around and catch the baby chicks for us so we could hold them, we couldn't stop giggling.
When we walked into our house we found eggs on our counter and realized we had no idea how long they had been there for. We were so scared that we would crack them and there would be a baby chicken inside, so we tried to get Onesmo (Mamma Onesmo and Gabriel's little boy) to crack the egg...but he wouldn't. So I proposed a game so that no one would "kill" the chicken, if it indeed was a chicken at all. Outside our little home Ksusha, Happy (well she just kind of stood there), Onesmo, and I played catch with one of the eggs until someone accidentally dropped it. The suspense was building when Onesmo's little hands slipped followed by a "splat!" and three screams...we all crowded around and...Behold it was a normal egg yolk and all! We all fell into a fit of giggles once again.
I snuck inside and broke off some of the chocolate I brought with me to share with Onesmo and Happy. There we sat on our front steps while the sun silently slipped behind Mt Meru with two little squares of chocolate, breaking them into little pieces with huge smiles on our faces. I know I am a chocolate snob, but I can honestly say that was some of the best chocolate I have ever eaten.
When our squares of chocolate had disappeared, Ksusha and I prepared dinner for the kids by candle light as Onesmo sang in Swahili in between bites of mandarin oranges I would sneak him. I love it here. My soul is at peace and my heart is full with joy, thanks, and anticipation. I have been learning Swahili poley poley (slowly slowly), and have a little journal that I scribble new words in whenever I hear them. We will all be talking when I will hear a new word and suddenly spring across the house for my journal and pencil which is almost always followed by everyone laughing at me. Gabriel told me with a big smile that I will learn in 1 month instead of 4-5 months like everyone else. I'm praying that he is right. As for now I am about to go boil some water for tea, strap my head lamp on, and continue to try and teach myself guitar (dedicated? I think yes.) until the fire dissipates to burning embers and sleep clouds my mind...Usikumwema (Goodnight).
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